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您现在的位置: 冠华作文网 > 英语特区 > 写作技巧 > 正文         ★★★
(作者:佚名 更新时间:2009/2/11 18:51:24 信息来源:新华 点击:我要投稿

Many Olympic movies have been made, trying to capture those universal themes of excellence, commitment, and personal sacrifice. The best of the bunch is Chariots of Fire, a fascinating tale of two completely different British runners who compete for gold at the 1924 Olympics. Here are the 10 best movie quotes about the essence of Olympian ideals.


    1. "It doesn't matter tomorrow if they come in first or fiftieth. Those guys have earned the right to walk into that stadium and wave their nation's flag. That's the single greatest honor an athlete can ever have. That's what the Olympics are all about."

    Cool Runnings (1993) – Irwin Blitzer (John Candy)



    2. "Well, as they say in the Olympics, it's not the winning, it's the taking part that counts."

      Sleuth (1972) – Milo Tindle (Michael Caine)


      《侦察》(1972)—— 米洛·坦德尔(扮演者:迈克尔·凯恩)

    3. "Where does the power come from to see the race to its end? From within."

    Chariots of Fire (1981) – Eric Liddell (Ian Charleson)



    4. "Once in a generation an athlete pits himself against such overwhelming odds that even the most jaded spectator finds himself cheering breathlessly."

    Iron Will (1994) – Harry Kingsley (Kevin Spacey)


    《决战冰河》(1994)——哈里·金斯利 (扮演者:凯文·斯派西)

    5. "If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter."

    Grease (1978) – Principal McGee (Eve Arden)



    6. "The high jump is a masochist's event - it always ends in failure."

    Personal Best (1982) – Terry Tingloff (Scott Glenn)



    7. "Fear is not what's important, it's how you deal with it. It would be like asking a marathon runner if they feel pain. It's not a matter of whether you feel it, it's how you manage it."

    War Photographer (2001) – James Nachtwey (himself)



    8. "The Olympics, the NBA, the NFL, all filled up with children who didn't have fathers. You may be a flawed character, but you're building hers."

    Jackpot (2001) – Lester (Garrett Morris)



    9. "I don't want to win unless I know I've done my best."

    Without Limits (1998) – Steve Prefontaine (Billy Crudup)



    10. “A gold medal is a wonderful thing. But if you're not enough without one, you'll never be enough with one.”

    Cool Runnings (1993) - Irwin Blitzer (John Candy)




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