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(作者:佚名 更新时间:2009/7/5 9:36:54 信息来源:本站原创 点击:我要投稿

有关 “起” 的词语, 用语开篇或引出扩展句.
1. at first/ in the beginning    起初
2. at present               现在; 当今
3. recently/ lately           最近
4. first/ firstly/ first of all     第一
5. generally speaking        一般地说
6. on the whole             总的说来
7. It is well understood that …
8. There goes a saying that …. 9.for one thing… for another/ also 首先…其次
10.presently                   此刻; 现在
11. to begin with/ to start with    首先; 第一
12. in general                  一般来说
13. on the one hand… on the other hand
 一方面… 另一方面
14. As the saying goes, ‘…’.     俗话说, … 

有关 “承” 的词语, 用来承接上下文. this time               此时
2. at the same time           同时
3. after a while              过了一会儿
4. after a few days           几天以后
5. second/ secondly          第二; 第二点
6. in addition               另外
7. besides/ what’s more       另外
8. by the way               顺便提一句
9. in other words            换句话说
10. in particular/ particularly  特别地
11. worse still               更糟的是 the same way           同样地
12.obviously                明显地
13. no doubt                无疑地
14. for example/ for instance   例如
15. therefore                因此
16. indeed                  的确
17. unlike                  不象…
18. certainly                当然
19. for another              其次
20. still                    仍然
21.similarly                同样地 

有关 “转” 的词语, 用来表示不同或相反的意见
1. in/ by contrast             对比之下
2. unfortunately             不幸地
3. though/ although           尽管
4. even though               即使
5. anyway                  无论如何
6. after all                  毕竟
7. all the same               依然; 照样
8. in fact/ as a matter of fact    事实上 9. fortunately              幸运地
10. however               然而
11. in spite of              尽管; 虽然
12. at the same time         同时; 然而
13. otherwise              否则
14. on the contrary          相反
15. especially              尤其
16. There are two sides to everything. 

有关 “合” 的词语, 用于小结上文或结束本段落的内容
1. in a word/ all in all/ in conclusion    总之
2. to conclude/ to summarize          总之
3. in brief/ in short/ in summary        总之
4. on the whole                 总体来说
5. above all                  最重要的是
6. as a result                       结果
7. obviously                       显然
8. As far as I’m concerned,       就我而言
9. Taking all these into consideration考虑到… 10. accordingly                  因此
11. therefore/ thus                 因此
12. as has been noted        如前所述
13. as I have said            如我所述
14. by doing so                 如此
15. to speak frankly/ to be frank 坦白地说
16. It is quite clear that         很明显
17. There is no denying that … 无可否认
18. Considering…             考虑到…  
1. It so happened that ____________.
2. Just at the moment, ____________.
3. It impressed me most because __________.
4. What happened was ___________.
5. At first, ____________.
6. Almost at the same time, ___________.
7. What’s more, ___________.
8. As a result, ____________.
9. As I understand, ____________.
10. On the one hand, _____________.
11. On the other hand, _____________.
12. Therefore, ______________. 1. 指出事情发生的地点
2. 描述事情的开端
3. 描述事情使自己印象深刻的方面
4. 记叙事情的性质或特征
5. 事情进展或情况表现的一方面
6. 事情进展或情况表现的另一方面
7. 事情进展或情况表现的第三方面
8. 事情的进展结果
9. 我的理解或看法

1. Recently, ____________
2. What surprises us most is __________.
3. It is true that ____________.
4. There are many reasons explaining _______.
5. The main reason is ________.
6. In addition, __________.
7. Thirdly, __________.
8. As a result, _________.
9. Considering all these, __________.
10. For one thing, _________.
11. For another/ Also, _____________.
12. In a word, ___________.  1. 描述现象, 引起话题
2. 表现较为典型的一个方面
3. 对于现象作出评论
4. 承上启下, 解释这一现象的原因
5. 说明原因一
6. 原因二
7. 原因三
8. 讲述导致的结果
9. 作者的态度
10. 观点一
11. 观点二
12. 总结全文   

 1. There is a heated debate over _______. And different people offer different ideas.
2. It is commonly accepted that ________.
3. In contrast, others __________.
4. Those who hold the first opinion suggest ___
5. In their view, __________.
6. However, others think __________.
7. They argue that _________.
8. As far as I am concerned, I agree with…
9. First of all, _________.
10. Further more, ___________.
11. Thirdly, ____________.
12. In a word, ___________.  1. 两种观点针对的争论焦点

2. 观点一
3. 与观点一对立的观点二
4. 观点一的理由
5. 深入阐述观点一的理由
6. 观点二的理由
7. 深入阐述观点二的理由
8 我的看法
9. 个人看法的依据一
1. It is well known that __________.
2. The truth of it is self-evident.
3. As we know __________.
4. As we know __________.
5. Many examples can be found to prove ____.
6. Take _________ for example.
7. Furthermore, __________.
8. It goes without saying that __________.
9. Then, __________.
10. There is no doubt that __________.
11. In conclusion, ____________.  1.提出观点
5.提出事实, 论证观点

 Date _________
1. I am delighted to learn that _________.
2. It ____________.
3. In my opinion __________.
4. On the one hand, __________.
5. On the other hand, _________.
6. As to ________, I suggest _________.
7. If _________.
8. It is unnecessary for you to _________.
9. In addition, ___________.
10. I am sure ____________.
11. Please inform me ___________.
12. I am looking forward to _______.
               Sincerely Yours,
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