>’s existence, scientists now think it is a hoax. In 2006, some scientists brought up a new theory—maybe the monster was a paddling elephant.
Although there is still no clear explanation or evidence about the Loch Ness Monster, the suggestion of the monster’s existence makes Loch Ness one of Scotland’s top tourist attractions.二、教材写作训练要求
1. 话题作文词汇积累
学生在平时的书面表达训练过程中应注意话题作文词汇的积累,以单元话题为中心,以树状图或放射状图的形式进行相关词汇的累积和扩张,做到厚积而薄发,如教材中word power部分的词汇。每在写作练习前,学生可进行话题词汇的搜集、汇总、筛选和使用,做到万事具备,以求“下笔如有神”。
教材中有个单元的话题为“Tomorrow’s world”,学生可以以下面一篇书面表达题进行话题作文词汇积累练习:
写一篇题为“Our Life in the Future”的英语短文,150词左右,要求包括以下内容:
(1) 工作:我们不再为了生计而疲于奔命,每个人都有自己理想的工作;
(2) 生活:在完全网络化社会里,不用出门就可以购物、读书、看病;
(3) 旅游:可以很容易地去月球、火星等外星球观光;
(4) 环境:所有的能源都来自于太阳,环境变得十分整洁;
(5) 健康:人类已经可以治愈一切疾病,人的寿命得以延长。
参考词汇:网络化社会 cyberspace
相关话题:网络方面的词汇(cyberspace, science and technology, go surfing, go shopping on the Internet, chat with QQ, play games, search for some useful information, work with some software, and so on);旅游方面的词汇(visit other stars, ecotourists, places of interest, go traveling by train/air/ship, tour destination, tent, sleeping bag, life jacket, parka, boots, backpack, torch, digital camera, and so on);环境方面的词汇(environmentalists, pollution, solar energy, a tidy and green world, environmental protection, ecosystem, clearcut logging, opencast mining, ozone layer, acid rain, global warming, slash and burn farming, and so on);健康方面的词汇(see a doctor, keep fit, feel good, go on diets, cure diseases/illness, treat the patient, live longer, lose weight, put on weight, catch a cold, and so on)等。
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