总结:高考英语作文题型及考试对策 |
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改写是在保持原文主体内容的基础上进行的。改的方面可以是体裁、人称、语言、结构等。比较常见的如在短文与对话之间改写。改写应意以下几点。 首先,要保持原文基本内容不变,在些基础上可进行细节添加或删减。例如“看病”这一题材若以对话形式出现就少不了医生对病人说的专业性用语,如:What’s the matter with you? How are you feeling?等,而在商店出现的对话就少不了售货员的行业用语,如:What can I do for you?等,它们在被改写短文时是要被删除的,因为它们只是进入正式活动的引入语。当然同类题材的短文改写成对话时要顾及到它们所起的作用。有些改写需在写作中想象某些情节,这一点常出现在转换人称角度的作文中。添加内容时,一定要注意切题,根据上下文做合情合理的设想。 其次,短文与对话进行改写时要注意语言时态、时间表达等方面的改变。短文可以记叙、说明、议论等,可以记叙过去事,议论现在事,说明一般事实,把它们变成对话时,用的全是直接引语,时态上一般要用一般现在时态,人称上短文中的主要人物成了对话参与者,所以一二人称的使用第三人称多。 对原文进行改写时要注意语言的灵活多变性。例如将对话改写成短文时,要仔细研究原文中句子的功能,然后根据不同的功能选择适当的表达方式,不能笼统地将语言功能分为问(ask)、答(answer)、说(say)。当询问时可以用ask, inquire, want to know, wonder 等;表示命题、要求时可用ask\request, demand等;当提出建议时可说suggest, advise, give a piece of advice等;当表扬或指责时可用praise, accuse等;当表示承诺时可用promise。这样,语言的灵活使用可使行文自然,流畅。 (1)邀请观看足球赛 [题 材] 把下面的电话记录改写成一篇80词左右的英语短文,不要用直接引语。通话时间是某日上午。 Gary: Hello. Could I speak to Mary, please? Marry: Yes, it’s Mary here. Is that Gary speaking? Garry: yes. There’ll be a football game in our university this afternoon. Will you go to watch it with me? Mary: What time will it begin? Garry: At two o’clock. If you go, I’ll wait for you at the gate of your company at half past one. OK? Marry: I want to go with you very much, Gary, but I’m afraid I cannot. I’ll be at a conference then. Gary: It’s too bad! What about tomorrow morning, Mary? There’ll be another match there. Marry: That’s great! I’ll be free tomorrow. Gary: Where can I wait for you? Marry: You’d better come to my home, and then we’ll go to the game together. All right? Gary: OK. Good-bye. Marry: See you tomorrow. [范 文] An Invitation to Watch a Football Game One morning, Gary rang up Mary, inviting her to watch a football game with him that afternoon. Mary wanted to, but she couldn’t because she had to attend a conference. Gary was regretful for that. Then Gary told Mary that there would be another game at the some place the next morning and asked her if she could go to it with him. Mary was happy that she would be free that day and could watch the game with Gary. She told Gary to come to her home and then they would go to it together. (2)失 眠 [题 材]用100个左右的单词缩写下面的故事。要求句子通顺,情节与原文相同。 A businessman who had been working too much found that he could not sleep at night, but kept on falling asleep in the day. He became so worried that he went to see his doctor. “Can you help me, doctor?” he asked anxiously, “I used to sleep well, but recently I haven’t been able to sleep for more than two hours a night.” The doctor examined him carefully, gave him some tests, advised him to work less hard, and told him to take some medicine to help him. The doctor was sure that he was not seriously ill, and that he would soon be better. But the businessman grew worse instead of better. He slept even less than before at night, and was continually asleep in his office. He visited his doctor very often, and it took the doctor a long time to discover the reason that the businessman’s servant gave him the sleeping medicine in the morning, and the one to keep him awake at night. [范 文] Sleeplessness A businessman worked too hard, and he could not get to sleep at night while he kept falling asleep at daytime. He became so worried that he had to see his doctor. The doctor examined him carefully and found out he wasn’t seriously ill. The doctor gave him some medicine and told him to work less hard. But the businessman grew even worse. He saw the doctor once again. At last the doctor discovered that the businessman’s servant gave him sleeping medicine in the morning and the medicine that kept him awake in the evening by mistake. 十、根据图画写短文 成于图表的短文一般可分为三类:叙述类,说明类和议论类。叙述类可包括根据图表写出的日记;说明类可包括个人生平,履历、通知或交代某些注意事项的留言条,根据路线图给人指路和对图表中数字进行客观的分析解释等;议论类则可指分析图表中所给数字,并就这些数字所反映出的事实做出个人评价。 看图画写短文,实际上是要考察考生的综合能力。它要求考生有敏锐的观察力,丰富的想象,严谨的逻辑,冷静的分析,及最终将以上诸方面素质体现出来的良好的表达能力。这里的表达能力就意味着考生应具备一定的写作技巧和知识,能根据画面和不同的题目要求,灵活地运用叙述、描写、议论、说明等方法。那么怎样才能将短文写得精彩呢? 一、认真观察、挖掘细节 细致的观察是写作的基础。题目所给的图画有一幅与多幅之分,但不论几幅,写作短文时总离不开这几个要旨:1、恰当的观察点; 2、有关背景,环境等情况的清楚交代; 3、明确突出的中心思想; 4、清晰的思想脉络; 5、详略得当的材料处理。这一切都建立在细致的观察上。以97年高考英语书面表达试题为例,图中主要人物为哥哥和“我”,这是由第一幅画中的中文示意得来的,这个观察结果就奠定了短文的叙述角度,保证了作者的立场、观点、态度的一致性,同时也达到了题目要求。在确定了人物这一内容的关键,最基本的素材之后,把6幅图结合起来看,吃透几幅图要传达的主要内容,即哥哥和“我”这对违章带人者被另一对违章者抓住,接替他们受罚,等待下一对违章者,并充分理解每幅图的要点,采用顺叙的方式记录下每幅图的要点,以使内容完整,避免不必要的丢分。同时要注意删除不必要的细节,如那对违章者男的穿着白T恤,女的穿裙子,梳辫子,拦住哥哥和“我”时手里拿面小红旗等,将短文词数控制在题目要求范围之内。有时几幅画看上去挺相似,就要仔细观察图中人物的表情有何变化,背景有何变化。总之,只有计真细致地观察,才能从图画中提取出详实的写作素材。 二、发挥想象,仔细分析 题目给出单幅图画要求考生加以评论的不多见,要求说明的倒可能会有,这时需考生调动的是已有的常识,根据一定的逻辑方式加以组织成文以清楚明了为准。如果给出单幅图要求写一篇叙述性的短文,如故事,事情恐怕就会麻烦一些,因为这里需要调动的考生的想象力和逻辑分析的能力。想象力是写作时不可或缺的一种能力。它可以把看似相对独立的几个画面联系起来,当然,我们说的想象并非天马行空,它应当受到逻辑的约束,是用来填充画外人情人理的细节的。 除了以上跟图画有关的两点外,还应注意写作中一些共性的问题,如审清题意,有时图画中没有出现第一人称“我”,但题目要求中明确指出短文要用第一人称写,如93年高中英语书面表达题,未按要求写的就会丢分。再如应注意句子上下的连接是否顺畅,篇章是否合理,还以93年试题为例,它是按时间顺序发展的一篇小故事,动作有明显的先后次序,写作时就不必加许多“之后……然后……过了一会儿……后来……结果…..”等等表示时间顺序的词,这样既可以避免罗嗦,又可以把有限的词数空间用在必需的信息的表达上。还有其他一些写作时应注意的事项,在此我们不就一一赘述了。 根据图表写短文,要注意以几个方面: 第一,审清题目,根据要求选择适当的表达方式和文体。如要求中只提到采用短文形式,则考生便可自主做宽范围的选择。如题中有特殊要求,如“作简单评论”,考生则需要从评的角度考虑问题。在确定了表达方式以后,还要注意选择适当的文体。不同的文体有不同的要求。如正式的信函形式要求有信头、信内地址,呼语,文末根据对象不同有Yours sincerely或Yours faithfully及本人签名等,而普通朋友之间的信函可不写信内地址,称呼可直接写成诸如“Dear John”样的形式,信末可写成Yours sincerely 或Yours 即可,如果亲密朋友,则会更简单一些。而文体选择合适与否,格式是否正确,也是评分标准中的一条,不能忽视。 第二,要注意图表内信息的连接方式。图表中的信息之间虽会有内在的联系,但在表格中的体现形式去是各自独立的,因此考生在写作时却不可照表硬搬,逐字翻译,否则写出来的短文会像一盘散沙,没有凝聚点,混乱滞涩。考生应学会灵活地使用连接词、指示代词等,适当地根据自己的需要和文章的进展调整信息出现的顺序。由于题目通常有词数的限制,因此在表格内容比较丰富,有些信息可能不具备提及的重要性时,可适当地删减其中的一些以满足题目的要求。 提到题目的词数要求,笔者认为有必要提醒考生注意。通常题目在提及词数要求时,有两种方式,一是给出词数允许区间,如100-120词,二是给出模糊数字,如200左右。根据以往的评规则,给出区间的应将词数限制在此区间内。给出模糊数字的,通常允许考生的短文长度在此数字上下浮动,过多或过少都要扣分。因此在满足了表达方式、文件等的要求后,词数要求成了考生同样不可忽视的一个方面。这就要求考生在保证方式正确、格式规范、语句通顺的前提下,补充或删除部分细节。删减的细节必须不损害文章大意,增添的细节和文中内容有紧密的联系,或可作为补充说明,或可起到修辞上的修饰作用。 总之,根据图表写出的短文,应做到格式正确、语句通顺、逻辑连贯,并应在词数要求的范围内尽可能简单明了地包含较多的信息。 [题 材] 仔细观察下列一组图画,…请以“歌德的作品”为题写一篇短文。词数在120左右。 给出词:歌德—Goethe [范 文] Goethe’s Works The father had a good stock of books, some easy while some abstract. He loved reading. The son, instead, loved playing in the garden. One day, the son went to his father’s reading room and asked for books. “Want to read, Yeah?” Let me see, err…here, Robinson Crusoe. A fairly good story,” the father said. “No, I want some thick books, like the works of Goethe,” replied the son. The father watched his son out to the garden curiously, wondering what was going on. On the boy’s head topped three books of Goethe. After a while the father walked into the garden, only to find out his son stepping on the books and reaching for the fruit on the tree. ② 下面两幅画是一位美籍华人所看到的中国妇女地位的变化,请你用第一人称的口吻写一篇短文叙述画中的内。(字数:120左右) 提示: 第一幅画:指在旧中国; … 第二幅画:指在新中国。… 参考词语 解放前before liberation 轻视 to be looked down upon 长大 to grow up 受高等教育 to receive a high education 取得成就 to make great achievements 各个领域 in every field The Change of Women’s Status I left China before liberation. In the old days women were looked down upon. They couldn’t go to school when they were little girls. When they grew up, only a few of them could find jobs. At home they did all housework. They washed all the clothes, cooked three meals every day and cleaned the house. But now they can go to school and even receive a high education. At home, most of them are good mothers and wives. But different from the past, they can do what the man do. They make great achievements in every field. What a great change it is! ③ 价格—销量表 [题 材] 请对下图做一简要说明,词数100—120。… [范 文] Prices vs. Sales As is shown in the graph, people buy fewer shoes as the price of shoes goes up. On the contrary, a decrease in the price causes an increase in demand. Business firms look for the perfect price at which the largest profits can be made. If the price of the shoes goes up to $ 50, the consumers will not buy all of 5000 shoes. The producers will have a surplus of 20上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页
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