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(作者:佚名 更新时间:2009/3/5 18:47:44 信息来源:本站原创 点击:我要投稿

r to do. Adults always want to make a child accept their opinions, but there’s often a disagreement between them. Once a child has found what the parents said or did is right, he/she may respect them and do as what they say later on. But adults do not always do things right even though children often believe their parents. Children have to discover when their parents are right and when they are not.

If anyone asks you how he can get the best view of New York, you can recommend that he take a boat trip around Manhattan. There is no better way to spend a few hours than to take such a trip. Unfortunately, many people who stay in New York all their lives do not realize how much beauty their city has, simply because they have nearer seen it properly. Surely one of he most beautiful sights in the world is the view of New York’s skyscrapers rising several hundred feet into the air. That view is especially breath-taking early in the morning, when the harbor is at its best; yet, few New Yorkers have ever seen it.(18) Animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history. Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers, for food, for sport, and simply because they were in the way. Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. Hundreds more are on the danger list today. About 170 kinds in the United States alone are considered in danger. Luckily, some people are working to help save the animals. Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem. And they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger.

Venice, a city on water, is built on 118 islands and linked by many canals and more than 400 bridges. In Venice, boats are used instead of cars. Public boats are as convenient as public buses in other countries. People will not only go to and from work by boat, but also go and visit friends and relatives by boat. However, visitors to Venice prefer to take a small wooden boa. The boatman, while rowing the boat, sings. The songs spread out with the ripples in water. All these remind people what a happy and comfortable life they have in Venice.

(20) Big Country
On a tour of Australia, our guide illustrated the problems of traveling in such vast areas. He had been driving down a dirt road looking for a small farm and asked a local for directions. “Continue down this road until you come to an oil drum,” the man said. “Turn left and the farm is down that road.”
It was 155 kilomtres before he reached the oil drum and another 86 to reach the farm.

–What are your own personal goals as a father ?
- I just want to be there for my children, because my dad wasn’t there for me. And if I’m not there in body, then in phone messages or in letters. I want my children to have love in their life when they are young, to know the true meaning of love. (RD—face to face with Pierce Brosnan at home with the best-looking dad in Hollywood)

(22) Royal Family
I was in the kitchen one day, trying to reach the baking powder on the top shelf of a cabinet. Being only 150 centimeters tall, I had to stretch, but still couldn’t grab the box.
Fortunately, I have two very tall sons who I often call on to come to my rescue.
“Hey, Brian!” I yelled to my second son, who was in the living room. “Will you get your tallness in here an get this for me?”
“Sure, Mum,” he remarked as he bounded into the kitchen. “But next time, I prefer the title ‘Your Highness.’ ”

(23) Walk, Don’t run
You want to get healthy. You know you need to exercise more. But if you are not ready to grunt through an hour of pumping iron or kickboxing, don’t despair. There’s growing agreement among exercise researchers that the intense physical activities offered by most health clubs are not the only – or even the preferable – path to better health. Indeed, the best thing for most of us may be to just go for a walk.Yes, walk. At a reasonably vigorous clip (five to six kilometers per hour) for half an hour or so, maybe five or six times a week. You may not feel the benefits all at once, but the evidence suggests that over the long term, a regular walking routine can do a world of preventive good.
Walking, in fact, may be the perfect exercise. For starters, it’s one of the safest things you can do with your body. It’s much easier on the knees than running and doesn’t trigger untoward side effects.
Regular physical activity is probably as close to a magic bullet as we will come in modern medicine. If everyone were to walk briskly for 30 minutes every day, we could cut the incidence of many chronic diseases by 30 to 40 per cent.
Walking is also a great way to lose body fat, so even if you don’t lose any weight ,your body will have a healthier composition. Most people find they have to walk at least an hour a day to shed kilo.

Driving with my two young boys to a funeral, I tried to prepare them by talking about burial and what we believe happens after a person dies.
The boys behaved well during the service. But at the grave I discovered my explanation weren’t as thorough as I’d thought. In a loud voice , my four-year-old asked, “Mum?”
“Yes,” I whispered.
“What’s in the box?”

(25) Nap Power
If your boss catches you sleeping at work, tell her that it’s all in the name of productivity.
Thirty people in a Harvard University study were tested four times a day on how quickly they could process information. They were shown flashing imagines of diagonal lines on a screen and asked to identify which direction they were slanted. The performance of the ten people who stayed awake the entire day declined by50 per cent, while the people who napped for an hour in the early afternoon did as well on their last test as on their first. Even those who napped for half an hour did better than the ones who did not sleep. The other technique that helped? Doing something else. Participants who were shown a slightly different image for the last test saw their scores bounce back to their original levels.

(26) The Write Stuff
Asians are spending more time at the computer. According to a recent government survey, 60 per cent of Singaporeans now have computers in their home. But all that keyboard time shouldn’t kill good penmanship. Kids, in particular, should be encouraged to write by hand. Here are a few ideas to help you and your family write right.
● Keep stationery, pads and good quality pens and pencils – including fun colored ones –around the house to make writing more inviting. ● Forget repetitive writing drills. Ask them to write wish lists or to help with the shopping list.
● Write a letter by hand. E-mail is fast and easy, but a written letter is more meaningful. Taking time to write a letter shows you care.
● When traveling, have kids pick out and write postcards back home.
● Keep a diary or journal. In addition to fine-tuning handwriting skills, it provides an important keepsake for years to come.

(27) All in a day’s work
One of my responsibilities in the office where I work is to set the alarm each evening.. If it goes off, the security company calls, and I have to go to the office to reset it.
Late at night I got one of those calls. As I was getting ready to go, my husband , who had been half asleep, groggily said, “You’re not going down there by yourself at this hour!”
Just as I was thinking how thoughtful he was, he added, “Take the dog with you.”
(28) All in a day’s work
As A PSYCHOLOGIST, My first job was working in a small clinic. One of my patients was a pleasant woman who needed emotional support because of some recurring health problems.
After six months of treating her, I was really impressed with my work. In one session, my patient was reviewing her career and personal accomplishments over last 50 years as a way to boost her self-esteem.
Suddenly she paused and looked at me. What she said next quickly brought my ego back in line.
“Honey,” she asked sweetly, “what was it again that you do for a living?”

(29) All in a day’s work
In the office where my wife , June ,works, one of her duties is to answer her boss’s phone. One day the boss’s wife dialed his cell phone by accident. “Why didn’t June pick up for you?” she asked her husband.
“Be glad he didn’t,” June heard him reply. “You just dialed the cell phone I wear on my belt.

Our town had gone for weeks with little or no rain. The TV weatherman, on his computerized map , was pointing out a thunderstorm 80 kilometers away. He placed his cursor over the region and clicked to zoom in on the storm. Watching, my son Roger shook his head and said, “I sure wish he would click on that storm and drag it over here.”

When we moved cross country, my wife and I decided to drive both our cars. Nathan, our eight –year-old, worriedly asked, “How will we keep from getting separated?”
“We’ll drive slow so one car can follow the other,” I reassured him. “Yeah, but what if we get separated ?” he persisted. “Then I guess we’ll never see each other again,” I quipped. “OK,” he said, “I’m riding with Mum.”

(32) Road Show
At the airport seeing our daughter off, my husband and I met a colleague of mine. She was leaving for a short holiday and had planned to park her car at the airport. However, the forecast was for extremely cold weather and she was afraid that the vehicle wouldn’t start when she returned.
I offered to drive it home, but when I reached her street, I realized I didn’t know which house was hers. Then inspiration struck: I drove up and down the street pressing her garage-door opener until the right door lifted.

(33) Blush Hour
With five minutes left to catch my train but no bus in sight, I had no choice but to catch a lift to the station. Luckily, a Japanese businessman in a bl

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