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(作者:佚名 更新时间:2009/3/5 18:47:44 信息来源:本站原创 点击:我要投稿

what it is today – an artificially illuminated extension of the day.
(47) Slip Knots
My longtime boarder was moving out, and I needed an advertisement posted at the local university. A friend agreed to design one on her computer and stick it up on the campus bulletin board.
I went out of town for a couple of days, and when I got back, I found a number of strange messages on my answering machine. Deciding I had better check out my ad, I went over to the university. And there it was: “Room and Broad, $400 a month.”

(48) Life’s Like That
While I was dining out with my children, a man came over to our table and we started talking. He asked where my kids go to school. I told him we home-school them. With a raised eyebrow he asked if my husband is the sole breadwinner for our family.
I said no, I also work --- out of our home.
Then, noticing our two-month-old son, he mentioned that his daughter had just had a baby, and he wondered what hospital our son was born in. “He was born at home,” I answered.
The man looked at me, then said, “Wow, you don’t get out much, do you ?”

(49) Life’s Like That
There was a spate of robberies in our neighborhood and the police had increased patrols in the area. Given the situation, my neighbor, who had parked his bike on the road one night, was pleasantly surprised to find it intact the next day. Wanting to express his gratitude, he went to the police station, parked his bike outside, and walked in to thank the inspector for the vigilance. When he came from of the station, his bike was missing !

(50) Life’s Like That
Determined to lose weight, I decided to join a fitness ClaSs that met three times a week. But despite my pleas, my husband Keith refused to join me.
As the weeks went by, I lost enthusiasm and my excuses for missing most of the ClaSses became more and more creative. One morning, after I’d skipped yet another exercise session, Keith said, “If I’d known you were going to miss this many ClaSses, I’d have joined with you.”

Researchers are beginning to understand what we lose by giving up sleep. Earlier studies showed that people who stayed awake for days could recover quickly, leading experts to believe there were few long-term health consequences. But recent research has begun to home in on today’s reality: what happens to people who shortage their sleep needs a little almost every day?

All in a Day’s Work
My father had promised my mother he would close his shop early to be home in time for their 25th-anniversary celebrations. The party was scheduled to start at 7 p.m. and when he still hadn’t appeared, Mum called him in a panic. Dad quickly locked up and hurried home.
A few minutes after he arrived, he received a phone call, grabbed his coat and rushed out again to the shop. When he got there, he found two police cars and a crowd gathered outside. In his haste to get home, he had locked a customer inside the shop.
Life Sayings
Weak is strong
“There’s nothing stronger in the world than gentleness.”
___ Han Suyin (Chinese-born British writer)
A steady drip of water turns a rock into a pebble. The sea gradually turns pebbles into sand. The flow of a river carves the Grand Canyon. It may take a small river a long time to carve the Grand Canyon, but the result is beautiful. Being gentle can achieve some things that being tough and strong, cannot. A kind word lifts someone’s spirits to the skies. Gentleness, mercy and tenderness --- these are powerful force in the world and in our relationships. If you don’t know your own strength, try being gentle.
--- 韩素英 (英籍华人作家)
持续不断的水滴将坚硬的岩石变为卵石。海水的反复冲刷把卵石磨成沙粒。 河流的雕琢造就了世界闻名的大峡谷。小河对大峡谷的雕琢也许经年累月,却创造力出了奇景。可见温柔可以成就的,强硬、粗暴却不一定能做得到。一句善意的话常常带给人极大的鼓舞。温柔、宽容、体贴 --- 无论在物质世界还是在人际关系中都是巨大的力量。如果你还不知道自己力量的存在, 何不试试以温柔待人? 

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