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Hearts core boat
(作者: 更新时间:2007/11/9 信息来源:本站原创 点击:我要投稿

The orphaned sail, you freely roam through
Roams through in this piece of heart's core father sea
Piece by piece sail, spot light
The beacon light 正照 is bright... ...

The day has been cold, protects that is freezing flower
Father's form nearby flower
Appears that deeply.

Autumn has come, the pine tree daughter is putting on thegreen clothes
Looked that, the red leaves on the wane fall gently
Only had that bald big tree daddy's still to stand upright,was standing upright... ...

You are in my dream kingfisher or the lotus?
No, is that round big lotus leaf;
You are in my journey companion or the shadow?
No, you are the roadside beacon light.
My dear father, you really are the lotus leaf and the beacon light?
What are you?

Places oneself in the sea
Actually thinks oneself in the nighttime sky
Roams through in the sea
Actually thought oneself falls the abyss
Is you holds me the space, but also falls down?

The wind gently is blowing
Brings the spring younger sister
Also brings the gentle regards

The moonlight is misty
I cannot find the star hey
The star, comes out oh!
Do not like before was same
When childhood and the daddy play together hide-and-seek!

Rain, rain
The rainbow girl feared you
Why doesn't maintain the former demeanour?
The rainbow feared you
No longer came out.

The star once said to the moon that, "Who in this world do youmost love?"
The moon has smiled: "The myriad things are all lovable, but I onlylove you."
Winks the short period of time, the star asked that, "Why?"
When "I am lonely, you always tell the story to listen to me; When Iam happy, you always in my side."
"Thanks, thanks, daughter... ... "


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