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(作者:佚名 更新时间:2007/11/25 信息来源:本站原创 点击:我要投稿

Is carrying your dream, fills the happy talk and laughter in thatpiece the blue sky soaring! I said this blue sky may say is the classand grade, perhaps is the school, also may be the family But in thepresent advance in technology very quick society, the country also isinitiating the study society, the hope society's study atmosphere isbeing more and more thick In the school, we also everywhere may seeeverybody discusses together studies the question, reads together inthe library, in does together , everywhere all is the schoolmatein the study But in my opinion, the test score is not representingany It certainly does not represent a person's study degree and theintelligent degree, the test score is certainly unimportant

Although teacher frequently is called us to want earnestly to study,the assiduous study, the prompt review, attends class earnestly and soon But some schoolmates usually even if again are assiduous, actuallyhas tested very much to the test is not good This has not actuallylet teacher take Possible because teacher only takes the score highschoolmate These tests tests not well, how but usually diligentlyshould the very schoolmate manage? Actually examines your studydegree, the test is beside a very good examination, actually lookedyour usual performance very is also important If you usually attendclass frequently speak, but because of the cleverness in trivialmatters, the test result very is a little good This makes the mattervery much which one envies, does not need to spend the very much timeto be able to obtain the result But everybody thinks, even if yourresult is good, but does not observe the discipline, attends class isabsent-minded, how can this say is a personal character student? Everybody do not have to look high the test score, so long asyou usually pay a lot, the test can repay you Has lost for minute twominute, did not fear, but also may strive for 1 in other subjects todivide for two minute If you looked the score is that heavy, you canvery earnestly study, strive for take very the high score Butsimultaneously you also can have the pressure, said any certainly musttest for 100 minute, certainly must test the entire level first and soon Has the pressure only then to have the power, but if your pressuretoo big, the test has let slip, score quite few, you very are not sad?Do not be sad, tests misses has not related, was most important yourdiligently achievement
In our class also has some examples Some schoolmates study veryearnestly Attends class wholly absorbed, but very little raises hand,but other aspects all do good Some schoolmates very earnestly study,but possibly cannot understand the class which teacher says, thisshould be studies the method the question How study method don't Ialso talk clearly only then to calculate Some several schoolmatesalso have asked me, is my academic record such why good I said, solong as you earnestly study, attends class listens, should not thequestion But the interest is best teacher, you raise to the studyinterest, your only then meeting wants to study, wants to study you tobe able to be earnest study, earnest study you can study, can studyyou more to like studying, more likes studying, your result couldenhance Wants to study, except must unceasingly diligently, be musthave the correct study method What method only then is correct? Basicrequest everybody should know that, any attends class earnestly, makesthe note, promptly prepares a lesson and so on But suits own studymethod is the best study method This is so-called " The studyhas the law, studies indefinitely method, is valued is getting theknack of. "
Hoped the schoolmates to study are full of confidence, deeply lovesthe study, said to oneself: " I can be good! " Believed youcan obtain the result! In this, wishes everybody to obtain the resultin! Remembered when test does not want to be anxious oh!


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