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(作者:佚名 更新时间:2009/1/29 16:51:13 信息来源:本站原创 点击:我要投稿

A child named Tom was born in a slum, the same day, the palace also named Edward was born a prince. Tom had to beg every day, begging the end, good intentions have to to go to a school where the old priest Latin. Oh, this is not his people to learn, is to learn of his own. The Royal Palace, the prince was born, lived a happy life throughout the day, what people have done for him, even for shoes, wash your face, wear clothes, are servants to help him do so. It is most ridiculous that, the Prince made a mistake, there is a person for him beaten.

Once, Tom also Mochi even breakfast, go a begging. However, he would like to meet Prince, he reached a beautiful house, the house still standing before many guards, he saw the prince, he approached from nearly point of view, then from the past, he finally paste To the fence. At this time in front of his guards fought a slap in the face, Oh, poor Tom was a slap »to the ground. Prince was later seen, the Prince said: "how can you be a bully with me the same big kids?« Allow him to come in, "said Prince fierce and malicious. Tom had to put the guards came. Tom Prince to see the look on the things that he has for a long time Mochi, come up with some delicious invite him to eat. Then, they chat about the a second day, they both look like long special on Huanleyifu. Prince said: "I am begging you can taste the flavor, you can taste when I taste Prince." Tom Prince to see the hands of a small injury, that is the guards engaged in, go to the lessons that guards, the guards were »A slap in the face, he forgot he was wearing a beggar's clothes. In this way, the real prince has become beggars, and Tom Prince has become a sham.

Prince went to the slums: "This is where Tom lived it», "said Prince talking to himself, his back to the home of Tom, Tom's father punched him toppling to the ground, asked:" How much to you today Money »," Prince said: "I have never had the money to." Tom's father said: "good, you did not have to money today, I would like to Zou your meal." Old pastor to Quanjia, Tom's father, they were Dad to the killing. Tom was forced to flee one, otherwise Tom's father will be hanged. Tom's father on Prince Edward said: "If you told the police my name, I will kill you." Prince Edward had to shut the mouth. Later, Prince Edward fled, he said he is Jianren Jiu Prince Edward, but others are a joke he thought he was a madman. There is only one kind-hearted people, he called entitlements Dayton, he said: "Children, you are sick, said he is not the problem." And also the way to help him. One day, up early to enjoy the Dayton Prince bought an old clothes, he said that if more money can give him some clothes Maihao.

Once, the Prince was loaded into a blind person Piandao the forest where, almost been killed. Have been framed as a thief, but still enjoy the Dayton save him. Leighton came to enjoy his previous home, to see his brother and enjoy the Dayton previous girlfriend. His brother in order to snatch the property, pretend to enjoy the Dayton did not know, they also locked up in a prison and later sentenced, they fled.

Leighton said to enjoy listening to other people, the king now is a good king, he decided to go to the King, let's help them. Then the prince because his father died, the prince became King Edward VI, he also agreed. They returned to the Royal Palace, King coronation ceremony of the event is a day to enjoy the real King Dayton into the palace, so that the real coronation of the king.

This story is Mama Jiang listen to me, for the very feelings, I think Prince is very good, very smart, but also by other people's love. Prince love to help others, Tom love learning, we grow up is a culture of the people. I would like to learn from their kindness, love the good quality of learning.


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