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(作者:张玉学 更新时间:2009/4/3 1:26:29 信息来源:本站原创 点击:我要投稿

The feeling becomes aware 

     When I attend the elementary school, the thesis writes is not good, even is afraid very much writes the thesis. Once, language teacher said to me that all writings, are the proposition theses, will be the most renowned writers should write each time by the proposition thesis. Actually, although teacher said makes sense, but the thesis and the writing are two matters after all. However, takes a middle-school student, I no longer will not be able to write the thesis for the hour, but will be sad, because thesis that will be a thesis, that will not be writing in the true sense. Writing in the true sense, it is the manner all, it writes for the people, the mother, writes for the innermost feelings, writes for the life. But the thesis writes for teacher. When high school, my science subjects result is not very ideal, but this has not prevented me to become a writer's dream. When gaoyi that field flutters the heavy snow deep has moved me, from then on I only then discovered that under the writing is also hiding many profound more general more free emotions.
   When writes has become one custom, is the pledge which changes with difficulty. For several years, the writing penetrated the marrow, becomes one kind of instinct, is the thing essentially, cannot erase. Thinks, if lived did not have the writing, that will be what kind, I have not thought that also did not dare to think. But I may infer that did not have the writing, I have then lost the most real expression, will also leave behind one to be regrettable and to be confused. Although my literature foundation of basic skills is not too solid, but I have literature thought wheting with the years precipitation. The special family circumstances, the special life lets my taciturnity. I can only repose in the writing, also only has the writing to be possible to let me extricate, because it has manifested my personality sincere and the mind hope.
    For these years scattered the crazy footprint on the writing path, has not left behind the deep trace. At present writes the condition, only then started to have the attention vision. However has not given up throughout, but also cannot heft the component. The disparity is one fear, puzzles at times in the chest, do not be calm and steady. Thought originally oneself could find the reason which in the literature starry sky hovered, took a broad view looks, when treated to suffering setbacks, only then touched wing's frailty and the immaturity. Therefore, gong sets out again, under buries, remains obscure ......
    High school's study life is section of enrichments, the intimate day, the infection, buying, the accumulation, the writing dances in the ebullition thought that the mood strolled in the writing balcony, to have one to be graceful and to be calm, the harvest intravenous drip, became in the life the most beautiful memory. Between the teachers and students, schoolmate, for the creation building atmosphere, has extended the life detail, today, tomorrow, can never get over an emotion.
    Is good, in the feeling which insisted, also had the pleasant sensation which gets on soundings. In the harvest repeatedly, is unceasingly mature, can also have a move. The work publication and the prize are one kind of record process, is also excitedly good ashamed, is always gratified.
    Unconscious, then has exposed the soaring potential state, the plentiful wing can also vibrate day after day small be proud.
    However, too many regrets, too many let me not be willing inconveniently for it to say one much. But is catching up with snows, after snow Jingyuan presents a strange liveliness and the heterogeneity, my state of mind snowflake flies upwards equally likely, on street chaos and chilly, sky extraordinary blue, probably God really must arrive once more, likes with being close especially frightened, the indistinct anticipation has as if become the overwhelming reality. Remembers that prose, if has present's atmosphere, present's feeling, so will not be probably earnest, is so biased, releases itself in the midway or the ending, also will release my writing, will thus let the reader read franker somewhat, also will not need to sigh wonderfully, will be has no recourse, so will not do at least a thankless job in the narration the strenuousness which, will write uses energy, reads.
    From the thesis to the prose to the poetry, is again gets up by a brick code, has been admitted to the dream hut oneself. But the present, only wants to expand the house the scope, increases its thickness, the making room quality of material. So the relapse, the will is wheting. Whets when like hundred build up the gold, doing in haste, non-raises distant; Acts resembles thousand honored crossbows suitably, light sending, not great merit. Believes the perseverance wins in the end, the little strokes fell great oaks; Successful, time will take care of the matter.
    At present creates the mainstream is a prose, but also some novel "Village Record". Is only suffers from the time the limit, cannot have one's wish; And further because irritable, is not thin polishes, did not realize. Only has the calmness, takes care of your pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves, only then can nourish the creation mood, obtains the life the enrichment to be abundant.
   Actually, in the past's two years, because is busy with the study, writes are very few. But occasionally also sees them on the homepage; Exactly said that is their name, they very lively discussion, either in argument literary arena some kind of phenomenon or writing some question. Then passionate, compares, I look like old person who stands by. Compels studies the study, idles is studying, conserves strength, but sometimes actually also has become one kind of pleasure. Reads idly one of advantage, is can let flow rapidly like the river life somewhere to form an embarrassed extension from among the river bend, forms in the river the lake; Corresponds, the life becomes the scene is so leisurely and carefree, spring's layer new flower, summer's thunder, autumn's lonely tangled up intravenous drip pays attention. Is good, although the judgment enters carefully micro, the mood actually does not have the morbid state, when feels the flower splashes the tear, hates other bird to be alarmed.
   At present, although has only published an article only more than 1000 character, but this already was my youthful days biggest success. Therefore, in any event, insisted is throughout only. However, in mine literary occupation, reading has the very vital role, I and my schoolmates sometimes discuss some classical work, then has turned head, penetrates to during ours modernized life. Actually, takes a literature the faithful follower, we are discussing own aspiration frequently. But I must tell the reader finally the friends, I live, in does good deeds in the life, occupies in a complex society. I am very lonely, what but fortunately is, I lonely may use the clear writing expression. Although my literature foundation of basic skills is not too solid, but in mine life idea, has the thought which there inherits from general, is some memories, some hopes. Must write the person and the matter, must let the reader friend understand that own world are incomparably vast. The writing just likes galloping the running water, in this writing's accumulation, I trickled contained already the long tears, mixture in which.
    When on high school, I only then started writing in the true sense, because I have discovered the writing and the life relations. when writes the first prose, only then discovered that it may express the innermost feelings the emotion, I like this kind of emotion being called as “the tears”. Actually, what it records is sad, then is putting oneself in another's place, falls into the emotion the abyss, then unfolds itself. When has written several years later, gives people a hard time becomes exceptionally elegant and calm, in this calm behind, is two kind of more arduous things, one kind is arrogant, one kind is a mood. All literature amateur also so, so long as he deeply loves the advocation literature, then he is this. Regardless of being the mood or arrogant, front its line of sight, is one kind of tears, one kind of dense fog, that kind of writing sincere and life enthusiasm, is compared to recalls more formidable pitying, is and criticizes compared to time long-time estimation. Even if is a writer, is also maintaining like this and the world relations. Whenever thinks about these, I am infected deeply, because in our age, has some people are maintaining throughout also their individuality, maintains their complete foundation is being reliable, to the literature cognition and the enthusiasm, is maintaining one kind invariable. They will cause the beginner to discover that in society warm and the friendship some people will always transmit, always some people to report. I felt that the infinite reality, exactly said is the writing reality. Because the literary arena always has the senior and supports the young people in true leading by the hand. Therefore fire of the literature will only then not extinguish, will look like Lu Xun to Ba Jin such, although also will be one kind of mood ......
   Finally, enters a word again, in any event, insisted is throughout only, I am willing to be the literature permanent sweetheart
Author synopsis: Zhang Yu studies, male, pen name: Snowy peak. on March 2, 1991 was born in Gansu Jingyuan, presently for Beijing Writing Academic society member, Jingyuan County flower season literature society director the organization head concurrently edition, "Hunan Campus Literary arts" the magazine company special student edits, Baiyin "Silver Daily paper" society student reporter, 2009 Chinese young writer class student, world Chinese people young Writer's association member, Hubei Province young Writer's association member. Its work once attained 2007, 2008 “the century cup” the campus literature art big game first prize, the sixth session “the Ye Shengtao cup” the national middle-school student innovates the thesis big game third prize, 14th session, the 15 session “the magical brush cup” the national elementary and middle school students thesis grand prize contest second prize, welcomes Olympic Games “the East China Normal university Two Attached middle school cups” "Thesis Communication" the national middle-school student thesis big game nation third prize, the fifth session “Xihu” the cup nation young people literary arts big game honorable mention, the first session “Hua Renbei” the entire national essence kernel young writer title, in 2008 “moves toward Lu Xun” large-scale to have the prize solicitation activities second prize, “new person cup” third national elementary and middle schools campus literatureThe big game first prize and so on, the work sees here and there in "Ulan" "Silver Daily paper" "Chinese Campus Education Newspaper" "Thesis Weekly" "the Xihu Literature" "Language Newspaper" "Thesis Review" "Hunan Campus Literary arts".


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